Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Portland Building Stones Talks

I know this is last minute, but I thought if there are readers of this blog in Portland, Oregon, they might be interested in two talks I am giving in town this week. Each talk will be PowerPoint shows focusing on work from my book Stories in Stone: Travels Through Urban Geology.

The first will be on Wednesday, February 3 at 3:30 P.M. at Portland State University. This talk is part of the geology department's Winter Term 2010 seminar series. I will be speaking at Cramer Hall, Room 17.

The second talk will be on Thursday, February 4 at 7:00 P.M. at the Architectural Heritage Center, 701 SE Grand Ave. This talk is $13 for non-members but if you consider how much fun you will have, I like to think it's worth it. If not, at least the money benefits a good organization.

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